Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Impacts of a Borderless Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Impacts of a Borderless Society - Essay Example This is possible because of the borderless society that we are living in today. Although a borderless society makes it possible to access products all year round globally, it also has some negative impacts from economic, social and environmental perspectives. A borderless society reduces the world into a global village where it is very likely that national identities and cultural values may be lost (Reimann, 2002). Market competition has now become very stiff as a result of the concept of a borderless society. Countries that have goods of low quality and unfavorable prices do not have the chance in the global market. Some countries have taken advantage of the borderless society, and utilize cheap labor that is available in other countries. For example, many Western companies have relocated to Asian countries to take advantage of the cheap labor in these countries and the operations cost are low (Laudon & Traver, 2013). Sirloin steak refers to the steak that is cut from the back of an animal. The name ‘ sirloin’ originated from England when a certain king after having the steak liked it so much that he decided to knight it. Many people probably would only say which grocery store their sirloin comes from opposed to the geographical area in which it was produced. Most of the beef that is consumed in the United States for instance originates from the U.S with only 8-20 % originating from foreign countries (Emel & Neo, 2013). American cattle ranchers have continued to show interest in sustainable beef production practices that have minimal adverse environmental, ecological and social impacts. Research has shown that the beef industry in America has made achievements in environmental sustainability by using less water, emitting less greenhouse gas and avoiding overgrazing. America only imports beef products that have met sustainability standards set by the Global Beef Trade. It can therefore be concluded that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Love is Love and Nothing Less Essay Example for Free

Love is Love and Nothing Less Essay In reflecting on my life as a child, adolescent, and adult, I have experienced love and lack of love on many occasions in the relationships I’ve experienced with others. To me, love is something that is present or is not present and cannot be split into various differing forms. I have never met the perfect, most ideal person who has loved me unconditionally, unendingly, and without interruption. The closest I’ve come to the ideal love has been through my religion, my spirituality, in my faithful relationship with God and Jesus Christ. However, even in this relationship, I have had my doubts, even if Jesus Christ, God, has never had them, so in this case as well, love has been interrupted. However, many of my relationships have incorporated loving actions, and it saddens me to recall the situations when love has been absent and hatred has crept into its place. Robert Sternberg has an interesting theory in regard to his attempt to separate out love and dissect it into varying forms, however, it is obvious that he often misses the mark in regard to what love means. The two categories which I consider to be rational evaluations of the presence or lack of presence of love are Sternberg’s two categories of nonlove and consummate love. To me, it’s always either one or the other, and one cannot assume to have a portion of love but not really, as if love has a grey area. In assuming that love has a grey or midrange area, one has to admit believing that badness mixes with good or that right and wrong are somehow united in a mesh of reality, however, in my opinion, good and good and bad is bad, wrong and right are separate, and ethics has to assume a position in regard to defining a loving way of being or loving action. Sternberg assumes that liking someone is only intimacy, devoid of passion and commitment, and in my opinion, this is illogical, as many loving relations with other people who I’ve considered friends or strangers, people who I’ve liked, have contained passion and commitment as well. Loving actions are filled with many aspects, and liking a person includes love, passion, commitment, respect, kindness, and many other values. To like someone most certainly includes having passion and commitment towards this other person. If we as a community and culture don’t have passion, commitment, and intimacy towards all members, then something is surely going wrong. Perhaps Sternberg is trying to imply that relationships with one’s spouse or family members are in some ways different from other relationships? If this is so, then he should focus on the unique attributes of playing the role of wife, son, father, or friend, and not focus on attempting to separate love into differing categories. The way one loves a person may vary, but love itself is constant. The idea that infatuation, fatuousness, or emptiness has anything to do with love is also unreasonable. How can love itself incorporate anything negative? Obsession, falsity, and voidance are certainly not aspects of love, passion, intimacy, or commitment. Has there ever been a time when being loving and kind to another person has incorporated elements of negativity? In and of itself, love is positive. It raises people up and makes them feel wonderful. In Sternberg’s attempt to triangulate love into three arenas, intimacy, passion, and commitment, he attempts to inject love with a poison of hatred or malevolence. If love is always good natured and good acting, then love cannot be split apart. People may, at times, at many times, cease to treat one another lovingly, cease to demonstrate the goods of intimacy, passion, and commitment, but that is simply the fault of the person and not an aspect of love itself. It is refreshing that Sternberg categorizes some of his love categories positively and not negatively, such as liking, romantic, companionate, and consummate, however this does not adequately explain or do justice to the fact that his other four supposed categories of love, nonlove, infatuated, empty, and fatuous are negatively termed. In my opinion, nonloving, infatuated, empty, and fatuous ways of behaving are part of hatred or evil and absent of love. If love is the right action in the right time and place with the right person, then love is fully good and absent of any mistakes. When Sternberg attempts to justify a divorce by claiming that the reason for the divorce is that one or both of the partners were loving one another, just loving one another differently, then he has certainly fallen prone to bad logic (Sternberg, 331). A divorce or a split is never caused by love, but rather by hateful or wrong actions by one person against another. It may be difficult to voice and communicate these wrong actions, however, a split, a lack of love, cannot be caused by love itself, but rather only by its absence. Although love shown towards one person or another may by expressed differently from one situation and person to the next, love itself is never aversive, yet rather uniting. The only culprit of divorce is the person behaving in nonloving ways. Sandelands very adequately states that the business of business is the human person. Everything that people do, everything that people were created by God to do, involves the spirit of the human person. Anyone believing that actions are just actions, that business is just business, devoid of the human person, has lost touch with the meaning of the high moral element of right action (93). In my own life, there have certainly been times when I acted in unloving ways towards other people, when I was empty of goodwill, false in my intentions. I remember lying to my mother, hurting my sisters, screaming at my father. My past boyfriends were often disgusted by my lack of fidelity. My daughter and husband are equally reviled by my bad manners when I overeat or eat sloppily. However, I also thankfully know that I have exuded love towards others. My father, mother, and sisters enjoyed it when I created a restaurant at home and cooked for everyone. My past boyfriends were often amused by my sense of humor in playfully lightening the moment. The caresses and kind words I offer to my husband and daughter are filled with benevolence, peace, and goodwill. It is in the interests of the whole of society to recognize that â€Å"caring as a virtue and an act of ethics is †¦ a natural †¦ point of view inseparably related to love as a universal †¦ value† (Arman Rehnfeldt, 4). When a person decides to love another person, any other person, then one consciously decides to do well towards another person and to not do badly toward another person. The sense that there is any type of human inaction proves false the fact that the universe is in constant motion. Every act or ceasing to act is directly related to cause and effect and can be categorized as fruitful or harmful. Although my mother may believe that being silent towards me is effectively loving and appropriate, I may believe that she does not love me. However, if I change my point of view and see that she is simply being silent and loving me by doing so, we come into agreement with one another and I cease to be negatively resistant to her goodwill. Also, if I loudly kiss my husband and he believes that I’m being sarcastic or hateful towards him, then I may very well be being sarcastic toward him in my actions. However, if I am aiming to love him in my kiss, then he himself is being paranoid for believing that I am not. We human beings are such sensitive creatures and it is often difficult to recognize and show love, however, the clear definition of love as a positive, ethical, valuable, and universal presence is vital in being able to correctly identify, demonstrate, and evoke loving actions. Erikson, a leader in the study of psychosocial human development, believes that people moving through the stage of young adulthood will pass through a phase of either attaining intimacy with a romantic partner or a friend or failing to achieve intimacy and becoming isolated (Goodman Mukulincer, 396). Although intimacy is important throughout the entire life of a person, perhaps it is good to note that young adulthood is primarily the time when people are selecting romantic partners and mates. Despite the fact that people from about puberty onwards toward death may seek romance with another person, many people on the search for romance are indeed young adults. However, it is very important, as in the case with Sternberg’s theory, not to box people in too much. Erickson’s ideas about intimacy and other issues related to life development are valid and worthy of consideration, but human beings crave and need intimacy from birth until death. Romantic love may be a special kind of love involving sexuality and more physical and deep interaction, reserved for one’s mate and life partner, however, love in general is necessary for every person, from conception until natural death. It would be good for people to open their hearts and minds up to the constancy of love and to make it a personal life goal or a life decision to work on demonstrating true self giving loving acts to everyone around them. Even though love may look different in varying situations between varying people, the underlying genuine goodwill is always there, love as a purposeful gift of positive and uplifting interaction. References Arman, M. Rehnsfeldt, A. (2006). The Presence of Love in Ethical Caring. Nursing Forum 41(1), 4-12. Goodman, G. Mikulincer, M. (2006). Dynamics of romantic love: attachment, caregiving, and sex. Guilford Press. Sandelands, L. (2009). The Business of Business is the Human Person: Lessons from the Catholic Social Tradition. Journal of Business Ethics 85, 93-101. Sternberg, R. Triangulating Love. The Altruism Reader, 331-333.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nominating an Outstanding Person to The Hall of Fame Essay example --

I nominate Regina Geis for recognition in the State Hall of Fame. Born on December 29, 1995, daughter of Robert and Robin Geis, sister of Daniel and Benjamin Geis. Regina is an inspiring person who brings out joy and happiness. She inspires people to give their best and live for the right reasons. She is an overachiever and has always done well in school. In fact, Regina is a straight A student. It is encouraging how much time and effort she puts in her school time. Spending some of her time at work and home, but spending most of her time at school or church. Regina strives for excellence, but other than her inspiring life, she shall first be recognized for more than what she does but for who she is, like her personality; beautiful, awesome and amazing, outgoing and funny, exhilarating and adventurous, goofy and silly, caring and kind, sweet, a perfect character, there is never a dull moment when hanging out with her. Though she has her serious moments, when it comes to having fun, she knows how to embrace herself. When music plays, she dances and sings, and does not care what she looks like or who is around. Sometimes showing your complete self is hard, but Regina is 100% herself. The times she hangs out with her girls or sometimes, even her brother, well, lets just say it is all laughs and giggles from there. Speaking of her brother, siblings fight daily and they have their differences, but Regina shows the roll of a wonderful big sister. Yes, some days her brother drives her crazy, but she would do absolutely anything for him, as well as her friends and family. There are times when she places herself before others, but she deserves that because she places others before herself the majority of the time. Regina likes to joke... ...hat she will be recognized in many Hall of Fames, rather than only the state, because she will be someone more and make it somewhere; anywhere. Geis will continue to impact people and their lives in ways she would not understand. Regina Geis is an inspiring girl who deserves the recognition in the State Hall of Fame. Works Cited

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Native Americans in the United States Essay

Based on the ethnic groups (Table 1: Appendix), several beneficial values that helped to shape the United States lifestyle can be described (Holland, 2006). In particular, the brief summaries have given the clear picture of Multiculturalism in the United States in relation to the origin. The United States, for that matter, is captured as a multicultural society that is open to all people with different backgrounds. From an early time, several groups started moving into the region due to various reasons, which allowed for the development of a culturally diverse society. Hence, the United States substantially benefited from the cultural diversity as improved workforce was available for the various work scenarios. Despite the obvious benefits of multiculturalism in the society, some negative forms such as racism, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination flourished over several years (Holland, 2006). In the recent past, for example, several ethnic groups such as the African American, Hispanic, and Indian Americans have continually suffered racism, discrimination, and being depicted in certain stereotypes. Firstly, segregation between the Whites and Blacks was a key characteristic of the population before the rise of the civil rights during the 1950s and over (Holland, 2006). Workplaces, schools, commuter busses, and residential areas were segregated between the two groups until in 1954 when segregation in schools was banned. As a result, people started integrating on a multicultural perspective, which led to the realization of better performances and solutions for the workplaces. Besides the significant leap ahead, other factors such as prejudice and stereotyping still exist at the current date. For instance, the African American and Hispanic groups have been stereotyped in the villainous characters such as gangsters, robbers and the like for several decades (Holland, 2006). Such beliefs have existed for several years and are even a common occurrence in media the same way. Hand in hand, prejudice has also resulted from the occurrences. Therefore, prejudice and stereotypes are a normal situation in the culturally diverse environment of the United States. However, the multicultural nature of the country’s population resulted in some positive factors such as creation of a multicultural workforce that can meet the requirements of the target population in an effective manner (Kenyon, 2005). In connection to that, all the ethnic groups in the American landscape are subject to some positive, as well as, negative aspects of the cultural diversity. As a result, prejudice, stereotypes, racism, and discrimination that were once extremely high have considerably low effects on the modern and socially active populations. In conclusion, the United States still leads with regards to the benefits of cultural diversity among its people. Table 1: Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet. Part I: Matrix What is the group’s history in the United States? What is the group’s population in the United States? What are some attitudes and customs people of this group may practice? What is something you admire about this group’s people, lifestyle, or society? 1. The African American Several African American people are linked to a history of slavery since their ancestors were brought in the United States as slaves. This happened first during the 1600s-1700s, and where they assisted English colonialists to get American independence. Later, prominent leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. helped to change discrimination against Blacks. As a result, a breakthrough into the rampant segregation between the whites and blacks reduced. The African American has an approximate population of about 37 million forming about 13 percent of the total population of the United States. The African Americans are characterized by the practice of several cultural activities depicted in their music, art, and lifestyle. As such, they form a significant part of the USA as their culture substantially influenced the American culture. I appreciate the African American lifestyle and their music such as Hip-hop and reggae music. Additionally, I love their celebrations such as the Black history celebrations in which they remember their historic past. 2. The Hispanic and Latino American The Spanish became among the first settlers, before Europeans, to settle in some areas of America such as Florida and California. Several people of this group speak the English language only and have adopted the European-American Culture. On average, the Latino and Hispanic population in the United States is approximately 16 percent of the whole population. This accounts to almost 50 million people. The Hispanics are depicted as religious people who believe in helping one another. Families may be nuclear or extended, and the father is the final decision maker in the family setting, while the mother is the home care taker. However, all family members are expected to assist in the effective functioning of the setting. I love Hispanic music and their musicians such as Ricky Martin and Jenifer Lopez. Additionally, their Mexican foods are an excellent appetizer that I always cannot ignore. 3. The Indian American The Indian American officially became legal citizen in the United States in 1946. The Indians immigrated into the United States via other countries such as Jamaica, South Africa, and United Kingdom among other countries. The Indian population in America is reasonably low at approximately 0. 89 percent of the whole population. As such, this reflects to about 2. 5 million people. The Indian Americans have a strict cultural background and adhere to strict rule on religion, culture, and food among several other practices. Their religions are diverse and may include Hinduism, Islamism, Christianity, and Buddhism. I value the cultural practices of Indians especially those practicing Hinduism as they have fascinating ideas. One example is the caste system, where once in a low or high case system; one is destined to remain right there. 4. The American Asian Asians of the Chinese background came into the United States due to mainly conflicts from their countries. One situation was the Vietnam War, which led to massive migration of the affected into the USA. In the 1970s and 1980s, therefore, was time for the largest Asian migration into the United States. The Americans Asian account for about 5 percent of the United States’ population. As a result of cultural diversity, the American Asians are exposed to several challenges. I admire the Chinese way of life that comprises of fun in the form of art and craft. Additionally, I find pleasure watching some of their movies and appreciate the Yoga. 5. The Native Americans The Native Americans were the original settlers of the United States of America. Relevant sources indicate that they enabled undetectable communication during the World War II using their native language. As pertains to name, the Native Americans are recognized as the first settlers of the United States. However, they account for a small population percentage of about 1 percent. The Native Americans culture show dissimilar practices in all other nations. In particular, those living on reservations show dissimilar cultures from the ones not living on reservations; however, some similarities may exist in their heritage and traditions. The Native Americans fascinate me with their incredible lifestyle such as them living in tepees and their spiritualism. 6. The Bahamian American The Bahamian American migrated into the United States from the Caribbean during the late 19th century in search for job offers in the agricultural sector. The Bahamian American has an extremely low population of about 40,000 people. Hence, it accounts for approximately 0.01 percent of the whole population. Bahamian Americans preserved their cultural heritage; hence, have a distinguished way of living and culture. The Bahamian way of living and cultural heritage provides an excellent measure of modern living from historical setting. Their cultural practices are engaging. Part II: Analysis Basing on the above listed ethnic groups, several beneficial values that helped to shape the United States lifestyle can be described. In particular, the brief summaries have given the clear picture of Multiculturalism in the United States in relation to the origin. The United States, for that matter, is captured as a multicultural society that is open to all people with different backgrounds. From an early time, several groups started moving into the region due to various reasons, which allowed for the development of a culturally diverse society. Hence, the United States substantially benefited from the cultural diversity as improved workforce was available for the various work scenarios. Despite the obvious benefits of multiculturalism in the society, some negative forms such as racism, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination flourished over several years. In the recent past, for example, several ethnic groups such as the African American, Hispanic, and Indian Americans have continually suffered racism, discrimination, and being depicted in certain stereotypes. Firstly, segregation between the Whites and Blacks was a key characteristic of the population before the rise of the civil rights during the 1950s and over. Workplaces, schools, commuter busses, and residential areas were segregated between the two groups until in 1954 when segregation in schools was banned. As a result, people started integrating on a multicultural perspective, which led to the realization of better performances and solutions for the workplaces. Besides the significant leap ahead, other factors such as prejudice and stereotyping still exist at the current date. For instance, the African American and Hispanic groups have been stereotyped in the villainous characters such as gangsters, robbers and the like for several decades. Such beliefs have existed for several years and are even a common occurrence in media the same way. Hand in hand, prejudice has also resulted from the occurrences. Therefore, prejudice and stereotypes are a normal situation in the culturally diverse environment of the United States. However, the multicultural nature of the country’s population resulted in some positive factors such as creation of a multicultural workforce that can meet the requirements of the target population in an effective manner. In connection to that, all the ethnic groups in the American landscape are subject to some positive, as well as, negative aspects of the cultural diversity. As a result, prejudice, stereotypes, racism, and discrimination that were once extremely high have considerably low effects on the modern and socially active populations. In conclusion, the United States still leads with regards to the benefits of cultural diversity among its people. Part III: Sources Holland, C. (2006). Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Central America: An Historical Perspective. Retrieved November 12, 2011 from the Prolades Website: http://www. prolades. com/Ethnic_Religious_Diversity_CAM-Holland. pdf Kenyon, A. (2005). The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace. Retrieved November 11, 2011 from the Leading Today Website: http://www. leading today. org/Onmag/2005%20Archives/may05/ak-may05. html Reference List Holland, C. (2006). Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Central America: An Historical Perspective Retrieved November 12, 2011 from the Prolades Website: http://www. prolades. com/Ethnic_Religious_Diversity_CAM-Holland. pdf Kenyon, A. (2005). The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace Retrieved November 11, 2011 from the Leading Today Website: http://www. leading today. org/Onmag/2005%20Archives/may05/ak-may05. html.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Hunnic Empire in 434 A.D.

Atilla, leader of the Hunnic Empire in 434 A. D. , is most famous for sacking many towns in Eastern Europe, and in Rome particularly. He was a fierce fighter, and was known to be as savage as they get. He was a constant nuisance to Rome never leaving them completely alone in his thirst for money, and power. It seemed as if Attila could not be satisfied with any amount of money, and was definitely never satisfied with the state of his empire always wanting more expansion. Attila saw his first taste to power in 434 A.D. after the death of his uncle Rugila (â€Å"Heritage History†). He and his brother, Bleda, were both next in line to control the Hun tribes. Attila’s men were scattered, and a few disagreeing nobles fled to Rome to seek refuge. Attila’s first important move as a leader was the negotiation for his men back. Bargaining with the Eastern Roman Emperor Attila received his men back, 350 Roman pounds, and open trade with Roman merchants. The deal was looked at as an early success for Attila (â€Å"Heritage History†).I think that the first deal between Attila and Theodosius II was a mistake on the Roman Emperors part. I think that this gracious and kind act on the part of the Romans opens the door for Attila’s greed and hunger. Theodosius should have recognized the death of the Hunnish empires leader, been stern with Attila, and maybe even threaten to wipe him out. After all they were in disarray, were not truly unified, and would have been an easy target to take out at the time. Instead he helped the Hun’s have an opportunity to grow, and come back wanting more.Theodosius obviously did recognize the Huns to be a threat, because when the Huns did recede, as a part of the treaty, he began reinforcing his walls as if he was getting ready for an attack (â€Å"Heritage History†). The Romans did not see the Huns for about five years, and then in 440 A. D. , after being defeated in Armenia, Attila set his eyes to Rome. First he laid waste to the merchants that had been setup as a part of the treaty, and then he began attacking forts alongside the river of Danube (â€Å"Heritage History†). Attila broke the first treaty between him and Theodosius, and it actually ended up working out better for Attila.Soon after Attila began pillaging through Eastern Rome the Vandals began an attack on Carthage, the wealthiest city in Rome. Troops were called away to help stop the attack in Carthage, leaving a big void for Attila and his brother to run through in 441 A. D (Gordon). In 442 A. D. Theodosius recalled his troops from Sicily, believing that he could stop Attila and beat the Huns. Theodosius had a chance to reason with Attila before he sent all his troops to oppose him, but his pride forced him to refuse Attila’s demands (Gordon).It would have looked better for him if he would have just met the demands, because he was defeated by Attila twice just outside of Constantinople. Attila neve r actually breached the walls at Constantinople, but he did come very close. The city was well guarded with two sets of walls around it. Theodosius admitted his defeat around 443 A. D. and had to meet the harsh demands of Attila. Attila received roughly 6,000 pounds of gold from the Romans, and charged them a yearly tribute (Gordon). To say that Attila was a problem for the Romans is to say the least, he was very close to overrunning them and ending their existence.Attila, satisfied with what the treaty had brought him, withdrew himself back into the heart of his empire to plot more about how to take over the Romans. It was during this time, around 445 A. D. , that his brother Bleda is mysteriously murdered (â€Å"Heritage History†). Not much is recorded as to the actual cause of death, but it is a well-accepted notion that Attila had him killed so that he could have absolute power. Attila, having all the power to himself now, began another campaign against Rome in 447 A. D. He would face a former adversary Arnegisclus in the Battle of Utus.Even though Attila had beaten Arnegisclus in the 443 campaign, the Battle of Utus was a fierce and bloody one for both sides (â€Å"Heritage History†). Severe losses took place on both sides, however the Huns came out victorious. Arnegisclus was knocked down from his horse, and was eventually killed while on foot. Attila in 450 A. D. decides to make and alliance with Valentinian III, a Western Roman Emperor, and attack the Visgoths. Attila had be diplomatically bribed towards the alliance, and he had a good relationship with one of the emperor’s general Aetius (â€Å"Heritage History†).Things looked to finally be smoothed out between Attila and the Romans, but then Valentinian’s sister ruined it all. Honoria was the name of Valentinina’s sister, and when she was displeased with her arranged marriage, she called out for Attila to take her hand in marriage. Attila took the proposal ve ry seriously and accepted, and was angered when Valentinian told him that his sister was not being genuine (â€Å"Heritage History†). Attila began making his way through the Roman Empire sacking cities on his way. Aetius began drawing his army to make a stand against Attila, and they met sound where around Orleans for the Battle of Cataluanum.This battle is said to be one of the most important battle in the history of Europe and Christianity, because if Attila would have clearly won then he could have annihilated Roman culture, and Christianity could have been lost (Gordon). In the battle both sides suffer heavy losses, but the Huns are said to be the victors even though it wasn’t much of a victory. The damage done was enough to slow Attila and his army down from making their way to France. Attila, still wanting to claim his bride, sets for Italy (Gordon). There are a few different stories as to why Attila did not end up attacking Italy.One is that Bishop of Rome Leo I met personally with Attila asking him to withdraw his army from Italy. What I think was the most reasonable answer for the withdrawal was the fact that Attila had suffered major losses, and it was said that his armies were suffering from disease and starvation (â€Å"Heritage History†). Whichever story is true Attila withdrew either way vowing to return. On his way home from Italy, Attila marries a young girl named Iidko, and on the morning after his wedding he is found dead, in a bed of blood.The story is that Attila after a night of drinking suffered a massive nosebleed while lying down in his bed, and he drowned in his own blood. There are more theories on the actual cause of death of Attila. Some think that there was foul play, and that his newly wed wife killed him in his sleep, and some think he had a massive hemorrhage causing internal bleeding. After the death of Attila the Hunnic Empire was passed onto his sons, but there was much arguing over who had the most power . After a year or two the Huns were no longer an empire, and were blended into Germanic tribes across Europe.Attila the Hun took the Hunnic Empire farther than it ever dreamed to go, and thankfully, to us Christians, he was stopped eventually. Gordon, Richard. â€Å"STOPPING ATTILA The Battle Of Chalons. † Military History 20. 5 (2003): 34. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. â€Å"Victory Secrets Of Attila The Hun. † Success 40. 2 (1993): 42. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. â€Å"Battle of Chalons: Attila the Hun versus Flavius Aetius. † Military History. (2006): n. page. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Attile the Hun. † Heritage History. Heritage History, 2007. Web. 11 Oct 2012. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Complete List of High School Classes

The Complete List of High School Classes SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you wondering which classes to take in high school? Do you want to find out what courses may be offered for each subject? We’ve compiled a complete list of high school classes for you to see all the possible course options high school students may have. We'll cover everything from science and math to electives and the humanities. How to Use This List This list was created by researching the classes offered at numerous high schools, both public and private, across the country. Classes are alphabetically organized by subject. While there is a separate section for AP classes at the bottom of the list, other varying levels of difficulty for the same class, such as "honors" or "introductory", were not included in order to make reading the list easier. This list’s purpose is to show you all the possible class options you may have as a high school student. You can use it as a starting point for doing a more in-depth study of your own school’s course offerings. Read through the list below, making note of any courses that you may want to take in the future, then look to see if your school offers them. To find out which classes your own high school offers, look through your school’s course catalog, check the school website, or speak with your academic adviser. What If Your School Doesn’t Offer One of the Classes Listed Below? It would be impossible for any single school to offer every course in this list; there are simply too many. Schools decide which classes to offer based on multiple factors, including student interest, school location, and teacher expertise. If you are interested in one of the courses listed below but don’t see it offered in your school’s course catalog, first talk to your guidance counselor or the department head. Your school may, in fact, offer the course, but under a different name. If there is no comparable course and you are really interested in the subject, you may be able to do an independent study or take the course at a local community college for credit. Ask your guidance counselor for more information on pursuing this option. Complete List of High School Classes Business Accounting Business law Business management Consumer education Entrepreneurial skills Introduction to business Marketing Personal finance Computer Science/Information Technology Animation App development Audio production Computer programming Computer repair Film production Graphic design Media technology Music production Typing Video game development Web design Web programming Word processing English American literature British literature Contemporary literature Creative writing Communication skills Debate English language and composition English literature and composition Humanities Journalism Literary analysis Modern literature Poetry Popular literature Rhetoric Technical writing Works of Shakespeare World literature Written and oral communication Family and Consumer Science Chemistry of foods CPR training Culinary arts Early childhood development Early childhood education Family studies Fashion and retail merchandising Fashion construction Home economics Interior design Nutrition Foreign Language American Sign Language Ancient Greek Arabic Chinese French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Korean Latin Portuguese Russian Spanish Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. 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Monday, October 21, 2019

Cyber Security Threat Posed by a Terrorist Group

Cyber Security Threat Posed by a Terrorist Group Summary Cyber terrorism refers to terrorist attacks that are aimed at computer systems. It is similar to the traditional physical terrorism in its aim of distraction with the difference that it targets computer systems and not human beings and other physical property.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cyber Security Threat Posed by a Terrorist Group specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper highlights possible cyber terror threats in Australia in government agencies and the commercial sector. Possible options over terrorism is then highlighted which include international efforts to curb the vice. The paper recommends independent efforts by institutions, governments and the international community in the war against the vice. Background The history of cyber terrorism spans back to the development of application of internet services that was introduced in the 1970s. The introductory use of the internet was centrally op erated throughout the globe but this was changed with decentralization that resulted from the cold war conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. The initially restricted use of internet was also liberated towards the year 1990 that allowed private individuals to freely use the internet. The availability of internet together with its terms of usage which are associated with high degree of freedom has been identified as the main reason why it has been transformed by some individuals and groups as a weapon for assault. One of the realized features of the internet usage that makes it a weapon is its accessibility and â€Å"little or no regulation, censorship, or other forms of government control† (Pladna, n.d., p. 3) that offers an unregulated practice. The internet is similarly identified to be affordable and at the same time anonymous that offers opportunities for undertaking activities in the background. These among other features of the internet have been ident ified to form the basis of the cyber terrorism attacks (Pladna, n.d., p. 3). Particularly identified attacks of this nature have included hacking of data in other entity’s accounts that are normally aimed at causing harm to the systems and even a subsequent damage to the parties. An example of such attacks would include gaining an unauthorized access to a country’s security system with the aim of compromising the system.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It can also take the form of compromising information of an institution with the motive of causing harm. An attack can, for instance, be made with respect to the information system of a health service institution. This takes the form of altering information about patients with a subsequent effect of causing an inappropriate medication that can cause harm to the institution’s patients. The examples illustrate the two categories of cyber terrorism, â€Å"effect based and internet based† (Pladna, n.d., p. 4). Cyber terrorism attacks are said to be effect based if they are primarily meant to cause fear among individuals. Though the attacks are based on computer systems, their effects are normally similar to those of physical terrorism. Internet based cyber terrorism are on the other hand intended to cause damage rather that fear. This form of attack is associated with compromising systems of an entity so as to cause loses due to system malfunctioning. Cyber terrorism can thus be associated with intentions to establish â€Å"loss of integrity, loss of availability, loss of confidentiality and physical damage† (Pladna, n.d., p. 4). Application and subsequent development of cyber attacks have similarly been associated with development of technology and the globalization effect that has stemmed up efforts to curb the traditional physical terrorism. Factors such as high security along country boarders that has for instance restricted the activities of terrorists in the international concept has seen terrorists resort to the use of the internet to attain their objective of causing destruction. Contrary to the restricted across boarder physical movements due to security, the internet does not have any form of geographical limitation thus allowing access to any country.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cyber Security Threat Posed by a Terrorist Group specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This has particularly lured terrorists to the cyber attacks. Engagements in illegal activities that have also been significantly associated with terrorist groups such as drug trafficking and even smuggling of illegal arms have witnessed a corporation between the terrorists and other parties such as computer specialists among others to help in ensuring the success of these illegal activities. Accessing syst ems of other parties such as a country’s security system for example reveal loopholes which can then be used to smuggle the commodities past security forces. Cyber attacks can in this manner be used to disrupt systems by causing inefficiencies which then allows for the illegal intentions of the groups. Reports have also indicated the use of cyber attacks to defraud individuals of money through credit cards. Intelligence has also revealed that the internet has been converted into a hub for terrorist group as a centre through which they â€Å"communicate, conduct operational planning, proselytize, recruit and train to obtain logistical and financial support† (Pladna, n.d., p. 5). Developments and increased level of cyber terrorism has adequately extended to the dependence of technocrats with individual groups either hiring computer specialists or training ones for their operations. The developments have also led to transformations of targets to make government institutio ns and corporate entities as the main targets of the terrorist attacks (Pladna, n.d., p. 5). Possible threats facing Australia due to cyber terrorism Cyber attacks have been significantly identified in Australia to be majorly attached to political motives in addition to the creation of â€Å"harm and the spread of fear to people† (Beggs and Warren, 2009, p. 2) with the aim of influencing either domestic or global activities. Example of access to official data from an institution or an agency that is then used to launch an attack by altering system operations which would then lead to an accident such as an explosion are for example highlighted in Australia as a possible cyber terrorism. This would be due to the expected level of harm and fear together with destruction that such moves would create. The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is for example identified as the potential target for cyber attacks. The system is used to manage distribution of commodities in the country, some of which are primarily essential.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This involves the distribution of materials such as â€Å"water, gas and electricity† as well as the transportation of waste materials for disposal (Beggs and Warren, 2009, p. 2). The SCADA system has at the same time been transformed to depend on modern technology for its operations. Integration of modern software as well as hardware has been the characteristics of operations of the system. There is therefore a possibility of security breach with respect to the system that can be used to launch attacks on the operations of the system. This is actually an imminent threat owing to the fact that such attacks have been realized in Australia in the past few years. Cases such as attacks on â€Å"the polish tram system in 2008, Estonia in 2007, SQL Slammer in 2003, Queensland in 2000 and Gazprom in 1999† (Beggs and Warren, 2009, p. 2) are illustrations that brings the possibility of similar actions. The application of technology to operate the systems makes it liable for man ipulation that can then lead to harmful incidents. An individual who gains access into the system can for example greatly increase the pressure with which the fluids such as water, gas and even waste materials are transported in order to cause explosive busts of the transporting vessels. This would for example lead to immediate harm of individuals at the explosion site as well as the curtailed delivery of services that will be interrupted. There will also be the impression of incompetence of the system that will be created in public opinion as well as extended fear of possible breaches in other services that can be very dangerous (Beggs and Warren, 2009, p. 4). Another possible cyber terrorism threat to Australia is its corporate system. The level of vulnerability that has been realized in a variety of institution has raised alarm over the safety of the business sector in the country. Experience of attacks that have been realized with respect to the country’s infrastructure h as a possibility of shifting to commercial organizations. The breach in the commercial sector can take two forms, attacks on organization as the main target or attacks on systems in financial institutions with the aim of extracting money from people’s accounts. An attack on an organization can take the form of paralyzing the information system of the organization which can at the same time be accompanied by subsequent harmful activities by the terrorist. In either way, a disruption, financial loss and fear with respect to security will have been realized. Attacks which are aimed at accessing people’s accounts for transferring money from such accounts will on the other hand have effects on both the institutions as well as the individual customers. Similar impacts such as instilled sense of insecurity and fear as well as lost trust will be realized due to the attacks. Fears of such cyber attacks on the country’s security systems such as the armed forces have also been raised. This would however be more serious with possibility of subsequent physical terrorism attacks. Though the short term effects of the different attacks may vary, there is a long term impact that such cyber attacks impose to Australia and any other country that is faced with threats of cyber attacks. There is the issue of economic instability that may result from the fear that is occasionally induced by the cyber attacks. Individual account holders whose accounts are hacked and misappropriated will for example suffer from economic instability that might be spilled over to the country’s economy especially if a significant number of accounts are compromised and the funds diverted outside the country. Attacks on corporate institutions and government agencies are also characterized with an increased level of insecurity that can scare away investors to the disadvantage of the country’s economy (McDonald, 2010, p. 1). Such threats have similarly been realized in oth er countries such as Britain. Though Britain never took a drastic measure following an attack which it realized in association with cyber terrorism in the year 2005, it was recognized as a possible future threat that is worth consideration. Cyber attack threats have also been identified in the United States though no significant countermeasures have been publicly outlined (McDonald, 2010, p. 1). Options against cyber terrorism The extensiveness of the use of computers that provides room for international attacks from any part of the globe offers restrictions over independency of states and nations in the war against cyber terror. One of the options that can be employed to curb the attacks is the combined effort of the international community against the vice. Use of conventions such as the one that was established in Europe in the year 2004 is thus an alternative. Under these provisions, standards can be outlined that can then be universally used to regulate the use of the internet for harmful purposes (Rollins and Wilson, 2007, p. 21). A comprehensive international collaboration among investigators and prosecution teams in cases of cyber attacks have also been identified as an option to controlling the practice. The need to control the use of the internet due to the attacks is however countered by the fact that the wide use of the internet is identified to be of importance (Escorial, 2009, p. 4). Recommendations Following the global threat over cyber attacks, a globally established body is required to ensure appropriate regulation and prosecution with respect to the terrorists. Individual countries are also supposed to take measures to protect their institutions from such attacks by ensuring standards for safer systems. Individual institutions are also supposed to strengthen their system and immediately report any identified attacks. References Beggs, C and Warren, M. (2009) Safeguarding Australia from cyber- terrorism: a proposed cyber terrorism SCADA risk f ramework for industry adoption. [Online] Available from Escorial, San. (2009) CoE- OAS/CICTE Conference on terrorism and cyber security, conclusions. [Online] Available from: McDonald, T. (2010) Governments on alert for cyber terror threat. [Online] Available from: Pladna, B. (n.d.) Cyber terrorism and information security. [Online] Available from: Rollins, J and Wilson, C. (2007) Terrorists capabilities for cyber attack: overview and policy issues. [Online] Available from:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

African-American History and Women Timeline (1930-1939)

African-American History and Women Timeline (1930-1939) 1930 Black women called for white Southern women to oppose lynching; in response, Jessie Daniel Ames and others founded the Association for the Prevention of Lynching (1930-1942), with Ames as director. Annie Turnbo Melone (business executive and philanthropist) moved her business operations to Chicago. Lorraine Hansberry was born (playwright, wrote Raisin in the Sun). 1931 Nine African-American Scottsboro Boys (Alabama) were accused of raping two white women and convicted quickly. The trial focused national attention on the legal plight of African-Americans in the South. (February 18) Toni Morrison was born (writer; first African-American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature). (March 25) Ida B. Wells (Wells-Barnett) died (muckraking journalist, lecturer, activist, anti-lynching writer and activist). (August 16) ALelia Walker died (executive, arts patron, Harlem Renaissance figure). 1932 Augusta Savage began the largest art center in the US at the time, the Savage Studio of Arts and Crafts in New York. 1933 Caterina Jarboro performed the title role in Verdis Aida at the Chicago Civic Opera. (February 21) Nina Simone born (pianist, singer; Priestess of Soul). (-1942) Civilian Conservation Corp employed more than 250,000 African-American women and men. 1934 (February 18) Audre Lorde was born (poet, essayist, educator). (December 15) Maggie Lena Walker died (banker, executive). 1935 The National Council of Negro Women was founded. (July 17) Diahann Carroll was born (actress, first African-American woman to star in a television series). 1936 Mary McLeod Bethune was appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the National Youth Administration as Director of Negro Affairs, the first major appointment of an African-American woman to a federal position. Barbara Jordan was born (politician, first African-American woman from the South elected to Congress). 1937 Zora Neale Hurston published Their Eyes Were Watching God. (June 13) Eleanor Holmes Norton was born (though some sources give her date of birth as April 8, 1938). 1938 (November 8) Crystal Bird Fauset was elected to the Pennsylvania House, becoming the first African-American woman state legislator. 1939 (July 22) Jane Matilda Bolin was appointed justice of the Domestic Relations Court of New York, becoming the first African-American woman judge. Hattie McDaniel became the first African-American to win the Best Supporting Actress Oscar- about playing the role of a servant, she said, Its better to get $7,000 a week for playing a servant than $7 a week for being one. Marian Anderson, denied permission to sing at a Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) hall, performed outdoors for 75,000 at the Lincoln Memorial. Eleanor Roosevelt resigned from the DAR in protest of their refusal. Marian Wright Edelman was born (lawyer, educator, reformer).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Evidence of Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence of Evolution - Essay Example As a result led an arboreal way of life characterized good eye precision, a hand grip and padded feet with claws to enable climbing. The first primates were Prosimians whose niche was during the Paleocene Epoch. Prosimians faced global extinction of plants and animals that lacked adaptions to survive in the changing environment and had to adapt to complete the versatile ecological niche (Butzer, 1977). The early Prosimians were relatively small in size, they had a grasping hand and feet that were adapted to climbing trees and efficiently manipulated objects. At this stage they were developing stereoscopic vision. However, the Prosimians became extinct by the end of the Eocene Epoch and gave way to the anthropoids that existed during the Oligocene. The Oligocene was characterized by regional climate shifts that definitely influenced the direction of evolution (O’Neil, 2003). The climate at the time created a favorable environment for growth of fruits and seed plants that the anthropoids feed on. However, they still lived on trees. Due their environment and feeding habits, they had fewer teeth, larger brain capacity and a more defined stereoscopic vision as compared to the Prosimians. The Miocene Epoch was the next Epoch after the Oligocene. It was characterized by the movement of tectonic plates that created mountain chains. This changed the weather patterns, whereas the progressive global cooling and drying was still in force. Eventually, polar ice caps reduced the amount of water in the oceans lowering the sea levels. A land reconnection occurred between Africa and Asia, providing a migration route for primates and other animals (Williams, 2001). Tropical forests in South Asia and East Africa replaced the dry grasslands and woodlands providing a strategic environment for the survival of primates. The hominoids evolved during this period as primate

Friday, October 18, 2019

Healthcare organization service strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare organization service strategy - Essay Example It also makes it possible to allow them to feel at home with the strengths and weaknesses which are being continuously highlighted. My organization makes it a must to go out of the way to help the customer become delighted with the kind of service that we shall make it available for him. This will ask him to come back again as per his need and thus bring in more customers with him as well. The service strategy that is being made use of within the organization encourages a positive work environment for employees. This is manifested by their desire to do something new each day of the year. There sense of optimism is derived from the fact that they get hailed for doing something worthwhile, which is a clear indication of many things that are being undertaken by their own selves (Perera, 2011). The environment is given support by the actions and decisions of the higher management who knows it best how to inculcate strength of character and the determination which is needed by them at all times. Also it makes them alert to all situations and circumstances which keep on happening regularly within their folds. A healthy environment is dependent upon the rules and policies which exist and I can safely state that these regulations have been much focused towards the tasks which need to be completed in an amicable fashion by the healthcare organization. The organizational vision and mission statements are the pillars of the healthcare service strategy. Since both the vision and the mission bank on strength of character that is presented to the different audiences which come under the aegis of the healthcare domains, the need is to remain one step ahead and satisfy them wholeheartedly. The vision is to give all-out energy and enthusiasm to the end customers who seek to get fit and healthy through the actions and undertakings of the healthcare realms. The mission is manifested through reaching end goals which would bring success towards the ranks of the business in the

Arduino Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arduino - Literature review Example The microcontroller board applied in the design of the Arduino enables writing of programs by linking several physical output functions of the computer including switches and motors (Arduino n.d, para.2). The hardware of the electronic component is programmed using libraries and syntax, more like C++. The microprocessor board that enables programming in Arduino platforms applies simple multimedia integration conditions as discussed in the section below. There is a variety of Arduino platforms, usually released upon the advancement of design and development. Some of these Arduino microcontroller products include Arduino Duemilanove, Arduino Flo, Arduino Bluetooth, Arduino Mega2560, Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Extreme, Arduino Mini, Arduino NG, Arduino Decimila, Arduino Mega, and Lilypad Arduino. Notable differences across the different forms of the Arduino products include size, height, number of pins, price and compatibility that vary across the products list. Generally, the input shields accompanying the Arduino also define the design and number of input/output (I/O) pins that the product has. The latest versions of the Arduino such as the Uno have a higher compatibility level with respect to pins and shield connectivity than the earlier ones. The means of achieving connectivity changes with higher advancement across the versions, with the use of USB or bluetooth illustrating the level of advancement for the various types o f Arduino. Despite the availability of several other microprocessor platforms in the market today, Arduino stands alone in offering effective results at favorable conditions that end users may prefer when compared to others. Some of the other microcontrollers similar in functionality to Arduino include Parallax Basic Stamp, BX-24 (by Netmedia) and Handyboard (by MIT) among many more. One of the advantages of using Arduino microcontroller is the fact that it is open source which significantly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Amy Tan's The joy Luck Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amy Tan's The joy Luck Club - Essay Example At first it seems that these disparate stories have nothing in common, except the conflict between two cultures - they are just a figment of some not very happy ladies’ experiences. However, during the process of reading, the pictures complement one another and stories, which were supposed to be autonomous, are connected by a thin thread. The author also concerns â€Å"the nature of mother-daughter relationships, which are complicated not only by age difference, but by different upbringings. The issues of self-respect, personal identity are also highlighted in the novel† ("BookRags Book Notes on") . The young mothers who arrived to America create a club for meeting and communication. At these meetings, they eat Chinese food, play board game mahjongg, talk. Each of them experienced some heavy losses in the past. But instead plunging into the painful memories of those losses, they prefer coming together for mutual support, material and spiritual. They all share a hope for the future, so they called themselves The Joy Luck Club. It is obvious, that is extremely difficult, and even impossible for the senior generation, to get accustomed to new American culture, to leave behind their usual Chinese lifestyles. â€Å"American circumstances but Chinese character†¦ How could I know these two things do not mix?† (Tan 15: 254), - this question bothered not only Lindo, but the rest of mothers. The women of older generation, â€Å"Old World fossils† (Tan 2: 89), are in the state of permanent cultural shock. The gap between the American and Chinese cultures is supposed to be insurmountable. When one of the women dies, her daughter Jing-mei was invited to take mother’s place at the mahjongg table. The daughters know only about their mothers’ lives in America, but they never told about what kind of life their parent had in China. As one of the young girls states, -"Over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually into mine."(Tan 1: 21). And if the main task for the older generation was to assimilate into the new environment, for American-born children it was a problem to overcome feelings of shame for their parents being immigrants. Jing-mei feels uneasy in the company of all these Chinese â€Å"aunties†; the young girl taking her mother’s place at the table, which is contrary to her own desire, â€Å"symbolizes the very generation and cultural gap between children and parents† ("BookRags Book Notes on"). Conversations of June and Suyuen testifies to the fact that it was a torture to come to understanding. â€Å"My mother and I never really understood one another. We translated each other's meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more† (Tan 2: 27) Thus, a reader understands that â€Å"there is also a communication barrier between mothers and daughters† ("BookRags Book Notes on"). The mothers are eager to raise their daughters according to their traditions and worldviews, -â€Å"†¦Only two kind of daughters. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!" (Tan 8: 142)† The young girls rebel against such intentions; they do not want to be oppressed and do not want their

Marketing Plan about Gu Puds on UK Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Plan about Gu Puds on UK - Assignment Example This report stresses that the company thrives on its brand image which was developed after lengthy and careful and analysis. It emphasizes greatly on its looks which was also developed after long and hard thoughts about what they aimed to stand for and what exactly keeps them going. The merging of the two brands resulted in rapid growth for the company. This was complimented with some of the tempting new packaging which featured their mysterious new characters The GÃ ¼ Decadents and also a manifesto for having a more indulgent life. The project considers development of the SMART objectives crucial and the foremost priority for the company as it helps to present the objectives in a well defined manner. SMART objectives are presented as the set of objectives which are specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time/cost limited. Smart objectives help in the removal of all kinds of conflicts between the client and the internal stakeholders regarding the project. Gu Puds must ensure that all stakeholders of the company agree upon the projected objectives. This would especially applicable for the workers who are associated with the production unit of the company. Since the company seeks to enhance its sales by 10%, this would have to be agreed upon by the producers of the products who would be directly accountable for the increased production of the product. The increased sales must have adequate resources for complementing the strategy. This would help to prevent cost or schedule overruns. The present strategy for the company would require an enlarged and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Amy Tan's The joy Luck Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amy Tan's The joy Luck Club - Essay Example At first it seems that these disparate stories have nothing in common, except the conflict between two cultures - they are just a figment of some not very happy ladies’ experiences. However, during the process of reading, the pictures complement one another and stories, which were supposed to be autonomous, are connected by a thin thread. The author also concerns â€Å"the nature of mother-daughter relationships, which are complicated not only by age difference, but by different upbringings. The issues of self-respect, personal identity are also highlighted in the novel† ("BookRags Book Notes on") . The young mothers who arrived to America create a club for meeting and communication. At these meetings, they eat Chinese food, play board game mahjongg, talk. Each of them experienced some heavy losses in the past. But instead plunging into the painful memories of those losses, they prefer coming together for mutual support, material and spiritual. They all share a hope for the future, so they called themselves The Joy Luck Club. It is obvious, that is extremely difficult, and even impossible for the senior generation, to get accustomed to new American culture, to leave behind their usual Chinese lifestyles. â€Å"American circumstances but Chinese character†¦ How could I know these two things do not mix?† (Tan 15: 254), - this question bothered not only Lindo, but the rest of mothers. The women of older generation, â€Å"Old World fossils† (Tan 2: 89), are in the state of permanent cultural shock. The gap between the American and Chinese cultures is supposed to be insurmountable. When one of the women dies, her daughter Jing-mei was invited to take mother’s place at the mahjongg table. The daughters know only about their mothers’ lives in America, but they never told about what kind of life their parent had in China. As one of the young girls states, -"Over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually into mine."(Tan 1: 21). And if the main task for the older generation was to assimilate into the new environment, for American-born children it was a problem to overcome feelings of shame for their parents being immigrants. Jing-mei feels uneasy in the company of all these Chinese â€Å"aunties†; the young girl taking her mother’s place at the table, which is contrary to her own desire, â€Å"symbolizes the very generation and cultural gap between children and parents† ("BookRags Book Notes on"). Conversations of June and Suyuen testifies to the fact that it was a torture to come to understanding. â€Å"My mother and I never really understood one another. We translated each other's meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more† (Tan 2: 27) Thus, a reader understands that â€Å"there is also a communication barrier between mothers and daughters† ("BookRags Book Notes on"). The mothers are eager to raise their daughters according to their traditions and worldviews, -â€Å"†¦Only two kind of daughters. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!" (Tan 8: 142)† The young girls rebel against such intentions; they do not want to be oppressed and do not want their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility and Mass Media Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility and Mass Media - Essay Example The Story of Corporate Social Responsibility (2006), Dunne said that corporate social responsibility has eventually come to mean â€Å"responsiveness†. â€Å"Responsiveness† does not imply any particular action but a range of actions or range of possible responses based on a company’s perception of social or consumer needs and the company’s role in responding either to society’s or the consumers’ needs. Carroll (1999, p. 268) explained that meaning of corporate social responsibility has undergone an evolution from its â€Å"beginning in the 1950s, which marks the modern era of CSR.† Carroll (1999, p. 268) pointed out that the â€Å"alternative themes† in corporate social responsibility â€Å"included corporate social performance (CSP), stakeholder theory, and business ethics theory.† Against the Dunne (2007) viewpoint, the Carroll (1999, p. 268) viewpoint is that corporate social responsibility is â€Å"a core construct that yields to or is transformed into alternative thematic frameworks.† On investigating whether corporate social responsibility adds to financial return, Cardebat & Sirven (2010) concluded that the results of their study do not provide evidence that the adoption of corporate social responsibility improves corporate financial performance. Cardebat & Sirven (2010) used statistical and econometric methods in testing hypotheses on the role of corporate social responsibility on company financial performance. On the other hand, the work of Ali et al. (2010) indicated that the practice of social responsibility may or may not promote the retention of consumer. Based on the study, it can nevertheless be argued however that the practice of corporate social responsibility can promote the retention of the customer base. In my study, I have chosen two cases: the case of the Aviva plc and the case of Thames Water Company. For reasons that will be explained later, Aviva appears to be a lead ing example of a company based in the United Kingdom that espouse corporate social responsibility consistently and diligently for the last several years and has gained additional prominence for the espousal as well as practice of that responsibility. Aviva claims to have â€Å"300 years of insights† which can be interpreted as having 300 years of engagement in the same or similar business (2011). Alternatively, the company â€Å"300 years of insights† is also described as â€Å"300 years of heritage† (2011). In contrast, Thames Water, a water company appears to have experienced a period in which its public image was at its worst. Lately, however, data are suggesting that Thames Water has invested in corporate social responsibility and may be profiting today in the said investment. Nevertheless, it appears that there are still avenues through which Thames Water’s practice of corporate social responsibility can be improved and which the company can exploit for greater profitability. II. Case 1: Aviva plc Aviva claims to the â€Å"world’s sixth largest insurance group and the biggest in the UK, with 36,100 serving around 44.5 million

Monday, October 14, 2019

Psychology and the Importance in Churches Essay Example for Free

Psychology and the Importance in Churches Essay I believe psychology is important in churches today because when I look at the attitude and conduct of church members, it exhibits the function of one’s mind, social behavior and development. Specifically when dealing with the mechanics of reception. Religions and churches face different possible reactions from its members or visitors which are directly correlated to the human behavior of the mind. It is easy to see how the Muslims by their social behavior are so fanatical and often times all-consuming in their faith. Muslims are more inclined to say that their religion is an important part of their daily lives. It is said that nine out of ten Muslims said their faith was more important in their lives, while the figure was 85% for Hindus and 66% for Christians. We see that there are various levels of reaction; other religions could fall into the category of having strong and mild attachment, proving that the human mind is a key ingredient into how people react and consume religion. This not only plays a role in people with religious beliefs, it’s also displayed in non-believers of faith such as agnostics and atheist. This is so because religion will not have an impact on some individuals; they will be indifferent, having no particular interest or sympathy. While others may be observant, willing to learn but some will still be unmoved to come to faith or beliefs. These are just a few arguments as to why I feel psychology plays a pertinent role, because people that help make up all religions will have different reactions from their minds, thus leading to various behaviors and level of belief. Along with actions and reaction, the mind will also contemplate upon past experiences, this enables one to either come to faith or not at all, based on what someone had said or done to them. This is known as locking or unlocking the mind. In conclusion, Behaviors and reactions are a state of one’s mind based upon life experiences. Psychology and the human mind play an intricate role in the growth or stunt of a Religion or a Church.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Drama Therapy In Reduction Of Vicarious Trauma Psychology Essay

Drama Therapy In Reduction Of Vicarious Trauma Psychology Essay Drama therapy is defined as an intentional and systematic application of drama/ theater processes, products, and associations towards achieving therapeutic goals of symptom relief, emotional and physical integration and individual/personal growth. Therefore, the goals of drama therapy are established from psychotherapy and the tools to achieve these goals are derived from theater Children use drama as therapy spontaneously, with no outside direction or pre-imposed structure. Dramatic play is the childs method of: symbolically expressing and resolving internal conflict; assimilating reality; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦releasing pent-up emotions; learning to control potentially destructive impulses through fantasy; expressing unaccepted parts of the self; exploring problems and discovering solutions; expressing hopes and wishes;à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and developing a sense of identity (cited in Emunah, 1994, p.4). These fundamental dramatic play functions in childrens lives are also relevant to everybody regardless of age towards building psychological growth and change. These plays help client to tell his or her story to solve a problem, achieve catharsis, extend the depth and breadth of inner experiences, understand the meaning of images, and strengthen the ability to observe personal roles while increasing flexibility between roles (Emunah, 1994) The experience by psychotherapists of failure of traditional verbal therapy to confront and work through client discomfort led to the evolving of drama therapy. The balance of verbal and non-verbal elements of play therapy together with its language of metaphor enables individual to work effectively within a therapeutic session. Trauma experiences that have been proved to be toxic to peoples life can be recapitulated to workers who are supposed to be helping the traumatized clients. This has detrimental impact on the clients and also can lead to demoralization of help givers and wastage of resources. It can also lead to the belief that the clients receiving the help are the cause of the problem and that the clients condition is hopeless and they cannot be assisted or helped. This transfer of trauma from the client to the care giver is known as vicarious traumatization (Kellermann, 1992). Vicarious trauma is inevitable while dealing with clients who have suffered major losses or suffered terrible events. It cannot be avoided but can be modified or reduced through drama therapy (Jones, 1996). Vicarious Traumatization Vicarious traumatization also known as secondary traumatization is the impacts of working with clients who have experienced trauma through the narration of their story about the experiences. It is called secondary because the person affected by the trauma has no direct link with the event that led to the trauma but experiences the trauma indirectly through their client (Andersen et al, 2000). A good example is of workers helping the refugees. Since the refugees have suffered major losses and life-shattering events, those working with refugee such as teachers, medical doctors, and immigration workers among others will be subject to vicarious traumatization and its impacts. Vicarious traumatization is usually a slow, cumulative process that takes place in the course of hearing many stories of loss and pain (Emunah, 1994 Axline, 1947). This makes it difficult to detect its impacts on the care givers lives. In most cases the care givers do not realize that they are suffering from vicari ous traumatization until when it is too late and they have burned out. The impact of vicarious traumatization like the impacts of trauma itself is serious and can be permanent. It interferes with the care givers/workers ability to do their work effectively and this highlights the need to recognize, monitor, and minimize the effects of vicarious traumatization on workers lives (Kellermann, 1992). Understanding Vicarious Traumatization and Its Impacts As defined above, vicarious traumatization is the experience of trauma related stress that is often caused by working closely with trauma victims. Trauma in definition is any experience involving serious threat personal harm or harm to others and excessive negative emotions like fear, helplessness, rage, and grief. These experiences can happen at any time of the life of individuals who have gone major losses or suffered terrible occurances for instance in a refugee life it can occur during resettlement process or any other phase of a refugee life (Jones, 1996). It is not possible to hear stories of tragic losses, human brutal harassments, gross injustice, and needless suffering and remain unaffected by such stories by workers who encounter human suffering on daily basis. The only way to remain unaffected is only by choosing to be numb by blocking our senses but this most often leads to ineffectiveness in service delivery and can also lead to depression and other associated problems(Jones, 1996). The fact is that we are changed by the nature of our work usually in ways we do not want. For example a volunteer who is optimistic on him/herself towards helping refugee may change drastically and become increasingly cynical and discouraged because of the unique stress emanating from his/her job (Andersen et al, 2000). Vicarious traumatization can take various forms which are determined by an individual and the work environment. The fact that people response to stress are different, there is no single symptom or set of signs that provide absolute evidence of vicarious traumatization or an exhaustive list showing all the signs and symptoms. Nevertheless, many of the impacts of vicarious traumatization are similar to the impacts of the trauma itself. Some of the signs and symptoms of vicarious traumatization include; fatigue, depression, withdrawal from other or from activities, loss of trust, demoralization, cynicism, disillusionment, lack of sleep, loss of sense of humor, lack of emotional control and strong emotional reactions to minor occurrences, and difficulty ,making decision among other symptoms (Kellermann, 1992). Like water flowing over a rock in a stream, on daily basis nothing seems to be happening to the rock but several years later, have of the rock will be worn out. Similarly, vicarious traumatization is cumulative and on a day-to-day basis, we may hardly realize that we are experiencing stress. Eventually the vicarious traumatization wears us down and if not dealt with, it leaves us in an exhausted position. Once in this exhausted position we are unable to think clearly, make rational judgments, listen carefully, or even help others effectively (Jones, 1996). In addition, attributes such as cynicism, disillusionment, despair among others becomes part of our permanent identities (Carey, 1990). These are serious and damaging impacts. Fortunately, such impacts can be reduced by taking an active role of reducing such stresses that are associated with working closely with trauma survivors. The first step towards addressing vicarious traumatization is to accept that such trauma does exist and have an understanding of the contributing factors of vicarious traumatization (Sue, 1994). Management of Vicarious Traumatization through Drama Therapy Some researchers argue that dramatic activities do encourage a removal from the reality which is an escapist way of being, relating to others, and relating to the world. Others argue that theatre and life are totally different states and if they do relate, it is only within the confines of a theatre with its formal demarcation of performance and audience areas. Some argument view adult dramatization as being regressive returning to the experience of the child in play. Nevertheless, some scholars argue that drama and living are virtually connected. As Evreinov wrote theater is a human impulse necessary to health living (cited in Jones, 1996). Drama therapy acknowledges that a part of this want and impulse can be employed in the maintenance of health and coping with emotional and psychological problems (De Dominico, 1988 Gil, 1994). The creation of world of fictions, play world, and the creative process itself does not need only to be seen in the perspective of an unhelpful retreat fr om the reality but rather be seen as an important part of living in the world. Creativity in drama therapy has a healing, life-affirming aspect. The fantasies and the artistic daydreams help in conquering the painful limits of existence. They also help in dealing with our basic conflicts (Carey, 2006). Over the past two decades, acknowledgement of drama as a therapy has changed and this has led to the emergence of drama therapy as practiced today. These changes have two main aspects as observed by Jones that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦drama therapy session can deal with primary processes involved in the clients change rather than being adjunct to other ways of working, such as psychotherapyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that the root of this process is in the drama. Dram therapy is not viewed by those who support it as a psychotherapy group containing dramatic activities but rather the drama process contains the therapy itself (Jones, 1996). Drama therapy techniques Various elements of drama therapy combined together make drama therapy effective. These elements explain the way in which drama processes are therapeutic. These elements are not specific to any drama technique but their focus is on fundamental processes within all drama therapy. The key areas of drama and theatre which are of essence to drama therapist includes; the process of entry into playing as a character, entry into dramatic state, dramatic communication, relationship between the dramatic frame and real life frame, performance processes, and the audience together with the process of witnessing in theatre. These drama elements are essential in developing the healing power of drama and theatre and out of them there emerges series of dramatic processes which are crucial towards making drama therapy effective(Carey, 2006, Sue, 1994). The first core drama process is dramatic projection. Wilshire in his work Role Playing and Identity describes the relationship between stage space and audience in a way that help us to see how drama projection relates to drama therapy. He observes that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the constant attractions and the needs for theatre is that we see ourselves writ large' (Wilshire, 1982cited in Emunah, 1994). According to this observation, seeing ourselves the way we are leads toward changing oneself according to the way we understand or see ourselves which may include a change in our perspective. In addition, as an audience, we may identify with some of characters on the stage through motivation, experience or attitude. This may also be accompanied with projection of our own motivations, feelings and experience according to the direction provided by the actor. Drama content and action witnessed by the audience can lead to a shift of their relationship with the projected feelings during or after the p erformance. In turn, this may affect the way the audience understand and feel about part of themselves that have been engaged with the projection (Sue, 1997). This projection and identification with the drama scene are not only to the clients that could be suffering from trauma experiences but also to the therapist who from the traditional verbal expression may be a subject to vicarious traumatization because they are actively involved as an actor or audience and also the way the client expresses his or her inner feelings through acting has lesser vicarious traumatization impacts. Though some theory such as classic freud sees projection and identification as a defensive process, the drama therapy sees it as an important process that develops important relationship between inner emotions and external forms and presences (Weber et al, 2005 Carey, 2006). The other core process of drama therapy is the therapeutic performance process. This process includes need identification, rehearsal, showing, and disengagement. There are two impacts within this process. The process enables the client to find expression for the material to be worked on and the working means with the material. During rehearsal and showing, client can shift their relationship to personal material by playing different role in the enactment or by directing alternative ways of the play. The focus here is to explore the content displayed by the client (Emunah, 1994). Clients and therapists may become role player or an audience member for a while. Taking these roles may be therapeutic for both the clients and the therapist for it provides an opportunity for a change in the link with the material or shift in perspective concerning the expressed material. The client and therapist involvement with the medium of drama through acting may allow them to experience their own creat ivity. Eventually they may be able to bring this creativity to bear upon the problem being focused within the action. This creativity may necessitate a change as the client and the therapist is able to address the problematic material from various perspectives (Sue, 1994). For instance, outside drama therapy session, a client or therapist may be stuck with a problem but they may feel capable of finding the solution through creatively engaging and experimenting new alternatives in the drama (Miller, 1994). Empathy and distancing which are other processes within drama are often two opposing powers within theatre and drama therapy. But it would be beneficial if we see both as part of any reaction that result from a dramatic phenomenon either in a theatre or therapy. One may be established more strongly than the other but it is irrational to describe a response as being completely distanced or empathized. Empathy and distancing are associated to mediation and the ways in which an individual interact with others and happenings in life. As Landy observes, healthy functioning requires a balance of feeling and thought (Landy, 1986, 98 cited in Emunah, 1994 ). Empathy creates a bond between the actor and the audience. It is determined by the capabilities of the audience to identify with and engage their emotions with the character. It can also be evident within the character themselves through the role they are acting with. On the other hand, distancing is where the character does not allow to tal transformation on the stage into the character he is acting (Miller, 1994). Empathy development in dramatic activities is therapeutic in itself. For instance clients may have a problem of establishing relationship due to lack of abilities to empathize with other. Empathetic responses during therapy sessions encourage the client to empathize with others outside the drama therapy. On the other hand, distancing encourages participation that is more focused towards thought, reflection and perspective. This means that the client function as a reader to the material without being disengaged from the material but involved with it from a different angle (Allen, 1988). This helps the client to develop perspective on themselves or an event. The degree of response, of empathy and distancing within an action can be used as an instrument in the assessment of clients relationship with the material they present (Emunah, 1994). Drama representation is described as the means chosen to express material within a drama session. Two particular elements common within drama practice are personification and impersonation. Personification is representing a person quality using objects dramatically. Impersonation on the other hand refers to role playing of an imaginary person (Miller, 1994). These two elements provide the client or the therapist a given focus of expression and exploration of problems and concerns. It enables the client to have a taste of what it is to be another (Emunah, 1994). This links the process of developing empathy and eventually developing the ways a client interacts with others. It can also help in the process of viewing a problematic circumstance from the point of view of another person. Participation of fictional material through personification and impersonations can develop opportunities to change and explore the concern in a new direction. This fictional world enables client exploration s which the client might deny in the normal life circumstances. Play activities which is another process in drama therapy is described as the expressive language in the therapeutic sessions. In early stages, a play usually contains games and warm up activities. A state of playfulness is developed and the client enters into a special playing state. This playful session has a link with reality. The links are exhibited by a more creative, flexible attitude towards action, impacts and held ideas. This allows the client to adopt a playful, experimenting direction towards themselves and their life encounters (Miller, 1994). . This makes play to be seen as part of an expressive continuum using specific language such object play, toys, and games among others which is seen as part of hoe the client explores material in drama therapy (Weber et al, 2005).. Conclusion In many occasions, work in drama therapy involves a direct dramatic representation of reality for instance playing a role of real life event or an improvised experience. At other time it is indirect relationship with real life event. Many activities give a number of various types of connection simultaneously. For example a realistic role play of relationship between a client and her mother, exploring unaddressed problem may have various importance. To the client presenting material, to the other actors and audience, the relationship, may symbolize a struggle between self and personified by the mother and daughter (Miller, 1994).. The process of being involved in drama activities and the potential creativity of enactment can bring transformation in a persons life. This is as result of transformation of identity- the artist in the client is established within drama therapy. The development of dramatic products, the participation in dramatic process can result to a combination of thinki ng, feeling and creativity (Sue, 1994). This combination has a potential to transform different aspects of clients way of understanding and responding to themselves and the world. The interactions which the client forms in the drama therapy can be transformative experience. Past interactions, events and ways of addressing them cab be brought into the current drama therapy and be reworked within the drama.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Theme of Courage in Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird Essay -- essays

To Kill A Mockingbird is a book about courage to what extent do you agree with this? Harper Lee's first novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, displays the life of a small southern family struggling through the depression in Maycomb, Alabama. Seen through the innocent eyes of a young child are the events and people of Maycomb. Courage is a major theme in the novel but there are other themes like the Hypocrisy, Protecting the innocent and Prejudice, which are brought out to the same extent. The author explores the idea of courage in the novel. Atticus shows true courage by defending Tom Robinson, a black man charged with the rape of a white woman. Atticus continues to fight for justice despite knowing he can’t win the case because he is doing what he knows is right. The town is against this†¦.. This is shown when Atticus watches over Tom Robinson outside his goal cell the night he has been moved to the local goal. There are concerns about the possibility of a lynch mob. Mrs. Dubose is another example of true courage in this novel. Mrs. Dubose always yells at the children, enraging Jem. One Day when she insults Atticus, Jem wrecks her garden. As Punishment he is forced to read to her for a month. During this time Mrs. Dubose seems in a fog and has fits towards the end of the sessions. About a month after Jem finished his punishment Mrs. Dubose Dies. Atticus explains that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict because of her illness but she had decided that she wanted to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody. By overcoming a morphine addiction, we see that Ms. Dubose was a woman of tremendous strength and character. She was not going to spend her last days as a drug addict, and despite the pain that it caused her, she succ... ...p the saintly J. Grimes Everett and the Mruna tribe in Africa they neglect to help the poor in Maycomb. They are happy to help people in another country but blatantly ignore the people in need on their own doorstep. This issue is important because it shows that how willing people are to help out people in another country but ignore the goings on of their own town. The idea of â€Å"true courage† is used throughout this text, however so are other equally important themes such as protection of the innocent, prejudice and hypocrisy. Despite that this book was written in the 1930’s it’s idea’s are still very relevant today. I feel that prejudice and hypocrisy are especially common in small towns such as Gunnedah. Although peoples attitudes towards things like racism have not completely changed we must not give up hope, we must have faith in the good of all people.