Thursday, December 19, 2019

Intro to Sociology Essay - 664 Words

SOC, 2nd Edition by Niki Benokraitis Study Worksheet – Chapter 1 Answer Key Thinking Like a Sociologist Matching Match the person or term with the appropriate description in the table below. |Max Weber |E |Macrosociology |I |Symbolic Interactionism |M | |Karl Marx |D |W.E.B. DuBois |G |Conflict Theory |K | |Empirical |B |Microsociology |H |Feminist Theory |L | |Émile Durkheim |C |Sociological imagination |F |Functionalism†¦show more content†¦| |A |This theorist believed that information about the social world should come not from beliefs or intuition but from direct, | | |observable facts. | |I |If sociologists study large scale social patterns, such as differences in income or an analysis of social policies, they are | | |taking this broad approach. | |E |This social theorist argued that, while the economic organization of a society was important, ideas and beliefs were also | | |important in determining how society is organized. | |M |This micro-level theoretical perspective argues that social organization is the result of our everyday behavior. It focuses on the| | |way we create meaning through symbols (such as styles of dress or language). | |D |This social theorist argued that the economicShow MoreRelatedIntro to Sociology1167 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Intro to Sociology – 1/28 Book: Sidewalk by Dunier Available in NYU Bookstore March 13 – Midterm Exam 30% of Grade May 15 – Final Exam (8 in the Morning) Courses are central to the idea of concept ideas. Readings and course as whole might test hypothesis like pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall (No M/C, small essays). What is a Social Science? Empirical, Systematic, Conceptual. There are other realms that people think like how people believe what a society is; iRead MoreIntro to Sociology1018 Words   |  5 Pages1a. Define routinization: †¢ Routinization is the way people go about doing something. It’s a method to organize chaos and when practiced it accomplishes the goal quickly and effectively. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Followers in Leadership Theory

Question: The activity I am going to describe is the desert island activity. In this activity we are given a list of items, which we can take to help us survive on a desert island. Our boat was wrecked near the island and we were thrown up on the beach. We were only two in a team; we made a decision who will be a leader. Michael became a leader because he was more knowledgeable how to act in such situation as a leader. We decided to make to separate lists how to survive on desert island and then discuss all offers, and chose the best ones together. I had exactly the same rights for my voice as Michael to chose which offers were better, safer and more efficient. We did not have arguments; we quickly choose what our tasks are in order to survive on the island. Mikhail distributed tasks fairly which we will carry out. We were talking often during the tasks. If I did not understand how to do tasks Michael was helping me. He was always listening to my opinion and did not ignore me. Our tasks were: One of the most important things is to find a water to be able to survive. To find out the food on the island. We need to create the weapon by ourselves, which will help us to protect our lives from wild animals. We need to go around the island and follow the beach to be able to find the village. Ask for help from the villagers. Answer: Introduction The activity associated with this assignment is desert island activity, which deals with evaluation of team building. In this assignment, team building stages and performance indicators will be discussed. Moreover, leadership style will be evaluated for progressing team performance at critical situation. Stages of team building Team Building Every team can be built by the stages described by Tuckmans theory. According to the theory, there are four stages of team building, which are forming, storming, norming and performing[1]. Forming This is the first stage of team building where each of the members of a team tries to relate with each other in terms of communication[2]. In forming stage, members of a team come to know about each other and the backgrounds of the members are understood. Members of a team are generally from different area of expertise and thus they relate with each other in this initial stage. Team members are positive and polite and some are found to be anxious about what the team needs to do. Storming In storming stage, the team comes to know about the actual work that needs to be done in the required period. Each of the team members gets to know about their responsibilities and roles for performing the task. In this stage, maximum teams fail to perform. Team fails because there arises a huge conflict between the members. Different members are having different views and perspectives and therefore at most of the time, conflict arises to perform one particular task. Unforeseen problems are seen among the members and therefore members become frustrated. Often it is found that team members challenge the authority of the leader regarding the decision taken by him at the end of this stage[3]. Norming Norming is this is the third stage where members are able to determine what they need to do regarding their task[4]. In this stage, the weather of the team is normalized as team members are cooled down with set up objectives and goals for performing the task or concerned project. In the storming stage, the members had a lot of ideas but in the norming stage, members get the actual way and procedure to accomplish the task. Performing Performing is the final and forth stage of team building. In this stage the actual performance with regards to the set up goals and objectives are accomplished[5]. This stage gives the idea of how to accomplish the tasks under the guidance of team leader. The team leader is able to delegate tasks and identify the progress of the team in terms of performance. In this way, with the help of four stages, a team is built. Operation of Team My team had only 2 members and among them one was the team leader. Thus, in the forming stage, we came to know about each other, which did not take much time. In the storming stage, some of the ideas were different among the members such as creating weapon for survival and the way to find villagers. In the norming stage, we came to know about the things we need to do such as the most important thing was to find water to be able to survive and then food on the island. After that, we figured out that we need to find weapons for ourselves so that we do not get attacked from wild animals. Finally, we set up that we need to go around the island and follow the beach to be able to find the village and take help from them. Performance Indicators Performance Indicators Key performance indicators are to be set up by the team leader so that the performance of the team is evaluated. With predetermined goal and supporting objectives, KPIs will help the team leader to understand whether the team is able to get the best outcome[6]. Target Setting Setting up target in the required period helps a team to progress. Critical factors are justified against performance and in this way team performance is evaluated in terms of time[7]. For each of the objectives, timeframe is to be designed so that performance is fulfilled. Monitoring Monitoring is one of the indicators that help in identifying the progress of tasks. The objectives of the tasks are understood by the leader and are finally monitored and evaluated by the leader[8]. Monitoring helps in quantifying the outcomes at the tasks at the intermediate stages. Review Performance Against each of the objectives, the team members carry out certain tasks, which are reviewed by the team leader[9]. Any necessary changes that are required helps in extending the quality of performance, which helps in getting the justified outcome in specified target dates. Support and development of team members Team members are to be developed at the time of performance by the team leader[10]. This can be only achieved by monitoring and reviewing the performance of the team members. If necessary changes are to be done, then team members are to be supported so that they get assistance regarding the performance and thereby increasing the performance. Linking to activity Regarding desert island activity, the key performance indicators were to identify water, food, weapon and shelter. The target was set up in this way, where water was to be identified in next 3 hours; food was to be accumulated with 5 hours and after that weapon and shelter determination. Against each of the timeframe, the objectives were analyzed with projected outcome and after the completion of primary objectives, secondary objectives were identified. Against the targets, review was done to assess the outcome. Problem with stages Defining team goals The primary goal of the team was to survive. Therefore, for supporting the primary goal, supporting objectives were determined. These objectives were: One of the most important things is to find a water to be able to survive To find out the food on the island We need to create the weapon by ourselves, which will help us to protect our lives from wild animals We need to go around the island and follow the beach to be able to find the village. Ask for help from the villagers Group Conflict Conflict within the group only arises with difference in ideas. The number of members within a team was just two. Thus, the differences of ideas were very less. The main factor was communication among the team members. With smooth flow of communication among the team members the amount of conflict was very less and therefore, the setting up of objectives were done in least time. On the other hand, the understanding ability between the team leader and team member was fantastic that reduced conflict. Team Leadership Team leadership was following the transformational leadership style. This is because being the only team member the management was very easy for the leader but he did not pressurize the team member. The team member was able to give his response, which was appreciated by the team leader. This helped in building team cohesion. Thus, it can be said that team leadership was very strong. Conclusion While concluding it can be said that Desert Island activity gave the knowledge of team building. The stages of team building was understood and was related with the activity, which helped in evaluating the practical scenario of team cohesion. Moreover, the type of team leadership that is most suitable was evaluated as well. Reference List Ford, J, N Harding, "Followers in leadership theory: Fiction, fantasy and illusion". inLeadership, , 2015. Ganesh, A, "Empirical Evidence on Cross-Functional Team Building". inTrai. and Deve. Jrnl., 6, 2015, 145. Gardiner, R, "Gender, Authenticity and Leadership: Thinking with Arendt". inLeadership, , 2015. Gaynor, G, "Building an innovation team". inIEEE Engineering Management Review, 43, 2015, 7-9. Hekmat, S, R Dehnavieh, R Rahimisadegh, V Kohpeima, J Jahromi, "Team Attitude Evaluation: an Evaluation in Hospital Committees". inMater Sociomed, 27, 2015, 429. Liu, H, "Reimagining ethical leadership as a relational, contextual and political practice". inLeadership, , 2015. Lockhart, L, "The art of team building". inNursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 13, 2015, 51-52. Willems, J, "Building Shared Mental Models of Organizational Effectiveness in Leadership Teams Through Team Member Exchange Quality". inNonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, , 2015. Wilsher, S, "Behavior profiling: implications for recruitment and team building". inStrategic Direction, 31, 2015, 1-5. Winans, M, "Leading With Grace: Building an Accountable Team". inNurse Leader, 13, 2015, 35-38. [1] J Ford N Harding, "Followers in leadership theory: Fiction, fantasy and illusion", in Leadership, , 2015. [2] M Winans, "Leading With Grace: Building an Accountable Team", inNurse Leader, vol. 13, 2015, 35-38. [3] S Wilsher, "Behavior profiling: implications for recruitment and team building", inStrategic Direction, vol. 31, 2015, 1-5. [4] R Gardiner, "Gender, Authenticity and Leadership: Thinking with Arendt", inLeadership, , 2015. [5] A Ganesh, "Empirical Evidence on Cross-Functional Team Building", inTrai. and Deve. Jrnl., vol. 6, 2015, 145. [6] G Gaynor, "Building an innovation team", inIEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 43, 2015, 7-9. [7] L Lockhart, "The art of team building", inNursing Made Incredibly Easy!, vol. 13, 2015, 51-52. [8] J Willems, "Building Shared Mental Models of Organizational Effectiveness in Leadership Teams Through Team Member Exchange Quality", inNonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, , 2015. [9] H Liu, "Reimagining ethical leadership as a relational, contextual and political practice", inLeadership, , 2015. [10] S Hekmat et al., "Team Attitude Evaluation: an Evaluation in Hospital Committees", inMater Sociomed, vol. 27, 2015, 429.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Prostitution Solutions Research Paper Example

Prostitution Solutions Paper Almost always, trying to get someone to become a prostitute when they dont want to is still illegal. Abolition This is not a type of law itself, but it might be a reason behind the laws in some places, usually similar to decentralization. The long-term goal of abolition is to abolish prostitution, meaning to try to get it to stop completely. In this approach, the prostitutes themselves are seen as victims, and are not usually punished. Acts connected with prostitution (running a brothel, etc,) are punished. Often people requesting the services off prostitute are punished as well, Regulation Prostitution is legal, but the state regulates it, This may be because it is seen as acceptable been adults who say they are okay with it, cause it is seen as necessary or because the law-makers accept that it is not going to stop even it it is illegal and a better idea is to make it sates tort everyone. Running a brothel requires a license and prostitutes need to register and undergo regular health checks. Prostitutes and brothel-owners pay taxes like other workers and businesses. Suggestions according to Alexandra Collation Me must therefore not only confront the problem of prostitution but seek a solution that is in line with our basic principles and the programmer of social and economic change adhered to by the party of the communists. We must, above el, clearly define what prostitution is. Prostitution is a phenomenon which is closely linked vita unearned income, and it thrives in the epoch dominated by capital and private property. We will write a custom essay sample on Prostitution Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Prostitution Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Prostitution Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Prostitutes, from our point Of view, are those women who sell their bodies for material benefit for decent food, for clothes and Other advantages: prostitutes are all those Who avoid the necessity Of working by giving themselves to a man, either on a temporary basis or for life. In our point of view, we cant blame them for entering this kind of job. This is something they dont want. Cant give any good solution, because its their session whether to enter this kind of job or doing better in life to have a better job. We suggest that they study hard to avoid ending up getting a job as low as a prostitute. One way of avoiding this is to have dignity so they would realize that this job isnt good. A solution we can give is they should ask help from the government, they should let the government know that they need attention against poverty. They should think about the circumstances before entering jobs like this, They should be aware that earning good money is not that fast, They should work hard for it to avoid a shameful job like this. They should be aware of health effects before being a prostitute. They should avoid this kind of job since they are also committing a sin which is premarital sex. But eve think they are a victim since their intention is good, which is to earn money. However, they should take into consideration that this is not a decent job. There are many ways to avoid this kind Of job. They should think Of the thoughts Of people on What kind of person she is. They should keep in mind the risks of prostitution that can lead to their death. Nevertheless this job is not the job for a woman Of dignity and self-respected person.