Sunday, February 23, 2020

What is meant and understood by the term computer misuse Essay

What is meant and understood by the term computer misuse - Essay Example ences with malicious activity such as hacking and viruses, which have been difficult to police due to jurisdictional difficulties and difficulties with identity tracking of offenders (Finch, 2001). This analysis particularly focuses three different aspects of potential computer misuse; namely identity theft, online harassment (otherwise referred to as â€Å"cyberstalking) and denial of service attacks (DDOS). Numerous press reports demonstrate how top financial institutions have fallen prey to cybercrime (Lloyd, 2004). The most common example is when an identity thief uses sensitive personal information to open a credit card account in a customer’s name through phishing (Thomas & Loader, 2000). Phishing is a high tech scam and uses spam to deceive customers into disclosing credit card numbers, bank account information, passwords and other sensitive information, with banks such as Abbey National and Natwest having fallen prey to phishing attack (Thomas & Loader, 2000). In phishing cases, offenders rely on the consumer trust in the familiar brand often by using the corporate branding style and logo to manipulate the consumer into a false conception of a pre-existing commercial relationship. This not only infringes the Electronic Commerce Regulations 2002 and The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (â€Å"the Regulations†), which prohibit unsolicited marketing communications; the use of brand name, style and logo also infringes the business’ intellectual property rights, which devalues the goodwill in the business incurring significant financial losses. In its previous form, the Act covered two types of computer related offences; firstly the unauthorised access to computer material and unauthorised modification of computer material. However, these offences were created before the Internet boom and did not foresee the full impact of online misuse such as hacking, viruses and spamming. This falls into a grey area legally which

Friday, February 7, 2020

The concept of 'personalised medicine' is hard implement. Discuss this Essay - 1

The concept of 'personalised medicine' is hard implement. Discuss this statement - Essay Example It therefore helps to easily predict the kind of medical treatment that is safe or not for a particular patient. As much as personalised medicine may be seen as an extension of the traditional systems of treatment, the two systems are different. However they are both geared towards understanding and successful treatment of a patient in question. Rang and Dale (2007) assert that the personalised medicine concept is heavily associated with state of the art tools and equipment. These particular tools are in tandem with the current level of technological advancement. The physicians operating under this type of system have the capability are known to choose treatment and therapy protocols that are specific to the patients genotype (Rang & Dale, 2007). It helps to lower opportunistic side effects in addition to ensuring a successful treatment process when the molecular profile of a patient is considered. This approach offers a chance to save on costs. The traditional system is based on trial and error meaning that a number of treatment measures might be considered before the most effective one is found. This clearly means that healthcare costs will be incurred in the process. Furthermore, the traditional system is a rather general method of addressing the condition of a patient. Traditional healthcare methods mainly focus on signs and symptoms, laboratory results, imaging evaluation and medical and family history to treat a patient. This kind of treatment approach can be referred to as reactive. This is because treatment begins upon establishment of signs and symptoms of a disease. Edgecoe (2004) reveals that the impact of personalised medicine has already been realized across the globe. Quite a number of diseases including breast cancer, HIV/AIDS and cardiovascular diseases are now being managed by the system. Another advantage of personalised medicine